Torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle
Torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle

torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle

How much you let it affect the Last Castoff is up to you as a player. Cloning Blues: All the castoffs have this to some degree or another.(Note that while your body may always have been sterile, the Changing God was completely capable of having sex while he inhabited it, carrying on a long and torrid affair with the nano Salimeri before abandoning it and her, meaning that leaving you in your sexless state was one of his many Jerkass moves.) Chaste Hero: The Last Castoff doesn't get the chance for any explicit romance arcs in this game, and eventually it's revealed to you by the chiurgeons in the Bloom that your naughty bits as a castoff are completely nonfunctional - either for recreation or for reproduction.That you cannot customize the Last Castoff's appearance is actually a plot point, however, as the game intentionally thrusts you into a situation where you have to wear someone else's face, and by extension carry the weight of their past, while trying to work out what you are and how you want to be remembered. Character Customization: The game offers few ways to customize the Last Castoff's looks beyond a choice of gender.Rather than D&D's two axes allowing up to nine combinations, however, it's possible and indeed common for a given Last Castoff to combine multiple Tides, with different names for each - a character who manages to somehow balance all five in one game is referred to as an Idealist.

torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle

Character Alignment: invoked The five Tides allow the player to carve out their Castoff's personality.Catchphrase: "Updated my journal." "Making a note." "Annotated my logbook.".Appears to be standard procedure for the Changing God. You have just enough time before impact to remember being attacked and falling out of something in orbit, and to realize that wasn't you in that memory. in complete freefall, hurtling towards the Earth. Came from the Sky: The Last Castoff enters the game by waking to life and consciousness.Born as an Adult: Like all castoffs, whose bodies seem to be almost grown or sculpted rather than born, going by some of the memories you recover.Battle in the Center of the Mind: All the time, with the Sorrow and others attempting to gain a foothold in your mind.Emphasized by certain descriptors and foci, and assumed if you're playing a nano. Badass Bookworm: The Last Castoff sure updates their journal a lot.The Changing God builds his bodies to last, so the Castoff is able to recover from otherwise lethal injuries. Artificial Human: Created by the Changing God to serve as a temporary body, then cast aside.Armor-Piercing Question: "What does one life matter?" The game gives you a chance to choose your answer, though you may find your definition changes over the course of the game's story.One possible interpretation of the ending Reveal is that this trope is actually being played totally straight. Amnesiac Dissonance: Central to the game - your recovered memories are not your own, but rather those of the Changing God, who has created and worn countless bodies for his own inscrutable reasons over hundreds of years.

torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle

  • Amnesia Danger: The lack of memories makes things naturally harder for you.
  • Most if not all tropes which apply to the Last Castoff apply to the other castoffs as well, and in fact, being so new, considerably less to set them apart from others of their kind - not even so much as a name to call their own. That so many of the Changing God's bodies still live might suggest something about how much (or how little) he values them, how readily he walks into danger and how readily he flees, and the sheer survivability of any given castoff. The Last Castoff is simply that: the latest in a long line of bodies cast off by the Changing God after being created to house his consciousness and serve the needs of his current agenda. Voiced by: Jeff Schine (Male) and Shannon Torrence (Female)

    Torment tides of numenera sphere puzzle