For you glue I suggest something that dries fast, probably super glue. REMEMBER: - line equals mountain fold _._._._._ line equals valley fold When you have some pieces cut out, look at the diagram on your computer and fit the pieces together, like a puzzle, and glue them. I like cutting out one piece at a time so I don't get them mixed up and don't know where they come from, but you can do it however you like. Okay, so you have the file sized correctly, now it's time to start the real work. After you understand everything well you'll need to size the mask to fit you. Once you have the file downloaded play around with the features for a while to know what they do. Browse a wide selection of airsoft mask army of two and face coverings available in various fabrics and configurations, made by a community of small business-owners. that and youll have every mask,tatoo, and armor availabel for purchase :). Just search "army of two pepakura file" on google and I'm sure you'll find it. For Army of Two: The Devils Cartel on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question. After you've downloaded the designer you'll need to find an army of two mask file. If you get viewer you won't be able to size the file to fit you, so get designer. Ive been rarely using it, once for twenty-thirty minutes every two months.
You can download pepakura at and I suggest that you get pepakura designer not pepakura viewer. Standard issue Mask for Finnish Army and Defence forces between these dates. It takes a 3-D model and turns it into a bunch of pieces that you print off and then cut out and glue together. It will look like the fiberglass in kind of melting into the resin.

So it all begins with a computer program called pepakura. Once the resin is ready, apply a thin coat to the inside of the mask by brushing it on with a cheap disposable brush, then take the fiberglass strips and lay them on top of the wet fiberglass, and then cover the strips of fiberglass with more resin.